elcome to a CD-ROM tour of the Nelson A. Rockefeller Center for Latin American Art. This center has been established to house the Latin American collections of the San Antonio Museum of Art and to serve as a national center for the study of Latin American culture.

No one museum can hope to represent the totality of a region so vast and diverse as Latin America, but a museum’s collections can offer windows that excite visitors to new ideas and further inquiry. This CD-ROM is based on the collections of the San Antonio Museum of Art. It is designed to provide information that will help you to better understand and appreciate the richness of Latin American art and culture that is revealed by art in the museum. Mexico is particularly well represented in the number and quality of artifacts. Significant objects from Central and South America provide insight into the history and culture of other nations, including Guatemala, Panama, Peru, Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Brazil.

We hope you will enjoy your visit and return many times in the future.